computing device

美 [kəmˈpjuːtɪŋ dɪˈvaɪs]英 [kəmˈpjuːtɪŋ dɪˈvaɪs]
  • 网络计算设备;计算装置;计算器件
computing devicecomputing device


a machine for performing calculations automatically
Synonym: computer computing machine data processor electronic computer information processing system


  1. But there are two main problems with authentication based on a computing device .


  2. But not every appliance needs to be controlled by a general computing device .


  3. Materials Requirements for Optical Processing and Computing Device


  4. The modern GPU is regarded as strong large-scale parallel computing device .


  5. So a computing device with a nose that knows is really not all that crazy .


  6. India has come up with the world 's cheapest'laptop ' , a touch-screen computing device that costs $ 35 .


  7. The art of assembling logical elements into a computing device ; the specification of the relation between parts of a computer system .


  8. Multiple nodes on the same computing device can be registered with an administrative agent with management functions isolated within registered nodes .


  9. Many sources have said that the mobile phone will become our new go-to computing device by the end of the next five years .


  10. The finite state automaton is a type of programmable and autonomous computing device which possess partial Turing machine computing power .


  11. A small computing device has two components supplied by the original equipment manufacturer ( OEM ) . These are classes and applications .


  12. Standard support includes technical support for installation and operation of the software on the licensed user 's computing device in accordance with the specifications .


  13. You expect to be able to access the information you need quickly and easily , from any place at any time using virtually any computing device .


  14. Indeed , even Google ( GOOG ) executives scoffed at the idea of a tablet as a general computing device .


  15. Generally , to the IBM Software Group , a processor is a functional unit within a computing device that interprets and executes instructions .


  16. As the growth of calculation amounts and complexities on digital watermarking algorithms , a high-speed computing device is urgently needed to perform computing tasks .


  17. This situation presents the possibility that your virtual computing device might be in contention for resources with other guest operating systems hosted on the physical hardware .


  18. Many Chinese also never bought a personal computer , meaning smartphones are the primary - and often first - computing device for the more than 600 million who have them in China .


  19. Phablets could even become the dominant computing device of the future & the most popular kind of phone on the market , and perhaps the only computer many of us need .


  20. Phablets could even become the dominant computing device of the future - the most popular kind of phone on the market , and perhaps the only computer many of us need .


  21. The computing device is designed to three hardware modules based on system function , supports board level hardware design migrations , and is capable of multitasks and power computing control functions .


  22. The Antikythera mechanism is an ancient geared computing device that was used to calculate astronomical positions and that mystified scientists for over a century .


  23. Instead of aiming at desktop computers , Verizon and AOL want to put content and new advertising technology on today 's most ubiquitous computing device , the cellphone .


  24. Wearable computer is a mobile computing device characterized by micromation , wearability , human-computer close integration and conjunction , constancy and users ' hands-free .


  25. Both parts of the work can be activated by wearing a simple armband on the upper forearm , thereby sending the signals wirelessly to a computing device .


  26. With a laptop as her main computing device , Brenda Estrella is ready to take the next step into the tablet world as open to what Microsoft has to offer .


  27. I 've spent the last 24 hours trying out Google 's wearable computing device , talking to people who are developing apps for it , and gauging the reaction of onlookers .


  28. At present , this analytic methodology already has a mature development both on theory and experiment . But because of the lack of dedicated computing device , there are difficulties in the process of technology application and extension .


  29. More than any other entrepreneur , Bill Gates is the reason you 're using a personal computing device to look at this story right now . For that , he became the world 's richest man .


  30. Apple Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs holds the new " iPad " during the launch of Apple 's new tablet computing device in San Francisco , California , in this January 27 , 2010
